
A cloud for all your files that is invisible to everyone but You.
TransferChain is a decentralized cross-platform software that brings distributed cloud storage, file transfer, and encrypted messaging together. All files and messages you send via TransferChain are invisible to everyone except you and the recipient.
Easy-to-Use, Reliable, Private.
Unlike traditional methods, your data is not stored in one center anymore. Instead, your data is encrypted client-side, sharded and distributed to the world’s safest storage areas, with a decentralized structure.
Thus, any adverse impact of infrastructure failures and breaches are eliminated, while the high speed of bandwidth, and availability are preserved.
Fast and Simple, yet Private.
TransferChain allows users to safely and privately transfer photos, videos, personal and professional documents with just a few clicks.
Moreover, users won’t have to worry about their privacy and the security of their files since all transfers are encrypted end-to-end and transmitted through TransferChain’s decentralized architecture.
Say Hello to Truly Private Messaging.
All of the messages that are sent over TransferChain are encrypted end to end on the client-side by default, and only transmitted through our blockchain.
Thus, any message you send over TransferChain is invisible to everyone but you and the intended recipients.
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TransferChain Send
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